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Safety Procedures

Unfortunately, school violence is now a reality for which schools need to be well prepared. District 115 employees continuously work with local first responders and experts in the emergency management field to review safety protocols and help staff members and students practice safety measures--including the district's “Run-Hide-Fight” safety response. This new protocol builds upon the basic lockdown procedure by empowering staff and students with additional life-saving options in the event of an emergency.

Safety discussions with students are age and ability appropriate. The goal of these discussions is so that all District 115 students are aware of the “Run-Hide-Fight” protocol, and older students are familiar with the classroom action plans. Teachers are provided grade-level lessons to ensure a unified message and plan is shared with students. Students in grades 7-12 also view the Introduction to “Run-Hide-Fight” video (link below). 

Parents/Guardians are asked to review the following resources to help familiarize themselves with the “Run-Hide-Fight” safety protocol to help engage in school safety discussions with their children.