Registration & Course Fees
The payment of registration fees is not required to complete the enrollment process. Fees can be paid online beginning July 1, 2017 through the Home Access Center. All registration fees must be paid in full no later than September 1, 2017. Fee payment will be accepted through the following methods:
- Electronically by credit card through the Home Access Center (available July 1)
- By cash, paid directly at the student’s school
- By check, payable to Yorkville CUSD 115 (mailed or dropped off at the student’s school)
Student Registration Fees
- Grades Kindergarten - 5 $144
- Grade 6 $173
- Grades 7-8 $182
- Grades 9-12 $195 + Course Fees
Individual Course Fees
- AP Courses (exam fee) $96
- AP Seminar, AP Research $143
- Band $45
- Chorus $28
- Drivers Education $315
- Foods $50
- Orchestra $33
- Project Lead the Way $20